A striking, three-minute, 1969 video presentation is of Ray Richardson (1946-1971), grandson of Hubert Harrison and producer of "Say Brother" for Public Station WGBH TV (Boston) in 1968-1970 and be found HERE
On August 25, 2020 (August 27 in the print edition), the "New York Times" ran an article entitled "'Soul!' Brought Black Culture to TV in 1968. A New Doc Tells Its Story," which discusses the New York public education tv show "Soul" that began on September 12, 1968 (after the April 4, 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.). [The article is entitled "Black Culture Front and Center Back in the Day" in the print edition.]
Earlier that year (on July 18, 1968) Boston Public Television station WGBH began airing "Say Brother" an extraordinary hour-long show that, would air prime time (and be repeated later on the weekend). It would be produced and directed by Ray Richardson and directed by Stan Lathan. Richardson was the grandson of Hubert Harrison and he and Vashti Lowns would die under suspicious conditions in 1971 after the show was taken off the air and Richardson was fired in July 1970 in the wake of the show's coverage of New Bedford, Massachusetts protests.
For background on Ray Richardson and "Say Brother" see "The Radicalization of Ray Richardson: Suspicion Still Surround Death of Black Activist TV Producer," which I co-authored in 2013 along with Charles Richardson (Harrison's grandson and Ray Richardson's brother). See HERE and see HERE
Unfortunately, the links cited in the above articles were moved. Two video clips from "Say Brother" are available HERE
and HERE
To see "'Soul!' Brought Black Culture to TV in 1968. A New Doc Tells Its Story" online see HERE
Some addiional Links to TV Segments from "Say Brother" involving producer Ray Richardson can be found HERE
For more information on Ray Richardson see "Say Brother: The Radicalization of Ray Richardson, Black Activist TV Producer" by Jeffrey B. Perry and Charles Richardson -- HERE